
get me a piece of my mind

stress, tired. is that all i can few these days?
screaming, yelling. is that all i can hear these days?
i only know how to help others but i dont know how to help myself.
why am i feeling like there's no one there to help me?
i seem to smile, i seem to laugh my head off, but inside, its feeling some shit.
i dont know how to control my feelings nowadays.
it's getting the hang of me.
i need to break away from this.
i need some help.
i need someone.
jesus, would you send someone down for me?
exams have been a serious bummer.
i can't do like 4 papers for nuts.
i can't seem to stay awake for nuts.
i really need help.
i miss coach alice. i need her now.

my friends, it's not like i don't wanna tell them, but see, the bloody exams are here and everyone's just so busy, mugging, rushing projects, having their own problems and asking me to solve it for them. that, i don't mind but sometimes, give me a break. one after another? i really cannot take it. i have my own problems which are yet to be solved. i feel so tired after each and everyday. i can't even finish talking to jesus before i fall asleep. i close my eyes and started talking and them, a few mins later, i'm fast asleep. i need alot of qt with jesus. but i just can't seem to find the time. why is everything just suddenly seem so rushing?
why am i becoming so rough? i beat my sister, i yell at people, i get moody.
where is the jesus-filled wenhui?!
i really want to cry, but i must stay strong
i know i can't by myself and now, jesus, i really need you to be here with me. i need you to carry me through. i need you by my side now since no one is ever here. lord, i need your strength, i need your wisdom, i need you to take over my life. i really need you so much.

& for all the things i've said here, i doubt anyone reads.
so yada, i'll continue to keep posting here.

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