
"I don't want knowing you be anything about endings or goodbyes."

In just 3 days time, it'll mark the start of our relationship, 2 years ago :)
I didn't know time passed by that fast and in just a blink of an eye, our relationship has already taken a step so far :)
I always find it amazing how breakups and quarrels never caused us to stop going further together. In fact, God never fails to use these little things to bring us to a bigger picture (a secret that people will know in future). Seeing these craps that happened to us, gets us closer to Jesus and to each other,  seeing how each one of us grow individually also.
Really like what Clara joy wrote on fb "Love is a journey", it's really every single step that we take together and every walk or the journey with Jesus, and with Jesus, that has brought us so far altogether. 

I'll always repeat and repeat on how great of a blessing that Darrel has been.
& I would want to let him know that he is a great boyf,
He is a great provider of love, care and concern.
He is nothing like the any other guys out there in the world, because he is special, he is made different from the world. 
He has a wonderful talent on the drums & he looks so gorgeously handsome when he plays.
He has this liking for kids too, like I do and that makes him so attractive.
He has big muscles which he trains for me (HAHAHA) serious!
He can make me laugh like no one else can.
He is just really unique, a one in a million.
Forever & ever, I'll always be blessed because of this one guy that God has blessed me with :)

Hahaha! I cannot believe this was how we look
when we first started out!
When you were small and skinny,
I was big and fat (Bigger than you)
But it was amazing then (STILL) how God can get you to like me.

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