
god is good.

god is good. god is good. god is good!
really. i couldn't sleep last night at all because of the stupid coughing and its coughing till vomiting that kind. & it was super bad. it's like coughing every minute. & my eyes are close to closing already but because of the cough, my eyes are forced to stay open. haha.
so i said a prayer to daddy. i told daddy i want to have a good night sleep without waking up every minute to cough and drink water and cough and drink water. it's super annoying.
yups, and evrytime i feel sick, i always remember what pastor prince shared about his wife having dont know what thing till it was so hard for her to sleep. she just keep on seeing that her sickness is already on jesus' body and she just slept throughout the whole night without feeling any itch. so i just kept on seeing my jesus coughing and coughing on the cross. and he died taking away my cough. and guess what, the next thing i knew, i was sleeping all the way from 4am to next afternoon 2pm :D without waking up at all! :D

see, isn't jesus so amazing?
&, my sore throat is gone, and so is my flu :D
& so will my cough be gone in the name of jesus, amen :D
how wonderful is my jesus (:

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