
No room for lonliness

Haha alright! This is not a picture taken because I love myself so much that I have to take a photo even when I'm at work. Hahaha! This is actually a picture taken by one of my kiddos, shayna soh and Ade :):)
They were playing with my camera and took this photograph. It's not bad huh, for a kid of 3 years of age :D

Anyways, like what I've posted in my fb, I really feel very blessed, like just out of a sudden. It always comes when I take long walks or talks at the park with Darrel.
Then at home, I was looking through the photographs in my camera and I "just so happened" to feel so blessed :)

Yesterday, I was talking to Janelle and she was asking me how I was motivated to work every single day of the week beside weekends. & it was then we both realised that it was my kids that made me wanna go work every morning, they were the one that I look forward to every time I step foot into the centre. The innocent things that they do everyday just makes me smile. Like sleeping in a weird position, like asking me for a hug, like asking me to clean their nose for them and just those little things that they want from you. It's really different when compared to an adult and it makes you feel so nice, so different as compared to when you are with an adult. They make you feel very comfortable, like you can just be around them because they wont judge you, they will not make fun of you when you did something silly or neither will they discriminate you.

I don't know man. I really love this job so much and I don't think I'll ever regret being in this line :) Haha and seeing how, we as teachers, impacted their lifes, it's just so wonderful and touching to see that. & suprisingly, they will remember things you did for them even though you don't. & they thank you for it, they love you for it and they will never not like what you give them or do for them.

:):):):):) I really can only smile and thank God for this special journey that he gives me to embark on and also, this dream that I've had since young and for keeping it so fresh in my life, And not forgetting how He has gave me the opportunities to see it come to past :)
For that, I feel even more blessed and loved :)

& to top it off with a cherry on top (whatever),
I super really thank Jesus for this wonderful relationship that I'm having, with this really precious and special and different and handsome and awesome partner, Darrel Leong :)
I don't know who will read this but to my favourite man on earth besides my 2 fathers, I love you! & thank you for making my life so pretty, so cheery, so everything-beautiful :)

Haha! He was the reason why I wanted to blog today.
We were just talking a long stroll home and we started thinking back on all the times we had at the park :) Like those time when we first started out. How we got to hold hands, how we tried to get close to each other and get the attention. How we first started talking to each other and how did the significant cake in our life (peanut butter cake) got us starting out like this :)

It is really very, all i can describe as is special. Like a cake mixed with feelings can get us together and till now now and now :) We were both smiling and laughing at the same time when these thoughts came flying back to us. Nothing can really discribe this relationship that we share and to be honest and truthful, it can only be god :) Yeap.

Sorry about all this mixed thoughts and feelings that just came to me and which made me blog :)
Haha but it sort of gets my blog working. haha!
Yeaaaa, and to end off. Here's Someone to love by shayne ward.

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