
Long came this man

Even if you look like this, I don't mind :)
(haha, Idk why this photo. Sorry boy!)

I just wanna say how blessed I've been with you.
I'm glad it was you and not anyone else.
Really even if you look like this, I'll still continue to be with you.
Cause you'll make me laugh every single time I see you.
Then all the sad crap will be erased from my mind.

My week(s) has been really crazy recently.
With things to be done because there's new kids in the centre.
Things to be done because of datelines.
The painting of the wall has finally been done after like a million years.
But that was like last last week but praise God, after like months :)

Ended work over my time today because of last minutessssss. Suck.
But had great company :)
Past few days had been going out and it was great.
Haha I'm not gonna go into details  because my mind's too tired to think.
But ystd was class gathering! I like! Miss the people like heaven!

Shit, I suddenly have a craving for pizza hut (again!)

Hahaha! I guess everything's been pretty alright!
At least my life's going where I want it to be.
My mind's made up to where I wanna be, God has planned a great future for me :)
So there's nothing for me to worry but to just live life and thank God for it :D
With people like Darrel and friends and family,
how hard is it to live life? :)

(& if Darrel's face is like that, I'll live to be more than 120.
The laughter I get every single day, I'll even just die laughing.
& I'll still look young even after I hit 50. Praise the Lord)
Haha! I love you Darrel Leong! :D
Thank you for everything! Really, my deepest heart felt thanks! :)
*hugs tightly*

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