

just as i was editing this picture, i suddenly realise how beautiful each and everyone of us are.
beautiful, both inner and outer beauty.
& all of us, we are the priceless art that god made.
& it's also the beauty of jesus in us that made us look so beautiful on the outside.
not just that, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
we're not just some rubbish that was made out of scraps and all the nonsense.
god made each one of us very carefully and wonderfully.
we're also very significant to jesus, each and everyone of us.
even the littlest things that we do and we think that it's just so small.
daddy still sees it and he is just preparing us for the bigger things he wants us to do in our lifes.
just like king david. he didn't know he was going to kill the lion, the bear and goliath.
he didn't plan to kill them either, all he did was just to shepherd the sheeps.
he had to shepherd 1000 sheeps. one sheep went missing.
if it was us, we would not bother about that one missing sheep, and stay back and look after the other 999 sheeps right?
but that's not what david did, he went to look for just that one sheep and left the 999 sheeps by themselves. & why? because he love the sheep!
not that he doesn't love the others, but every sheep in precious and loved in his eyes.
& like what coach julian shared with me the other day,
every little thing that we do, is significant to god.
even studying, obeying your parents, god sees it and he has a reward for us.
we're also like a float in the water. we can be pushed down by all the nonsense things around us, but nevertheless, we will still rise up again, right?
no matter how strong the person is to push you down, you'll still rise due to the air inside the float. right?
& god wants us to rise up and live life the way he wants us to live.
& just to remember that we are very significant to him
& he loves us so much, so much.

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