
hold me close, dont let me feel cold

ever since they left the house,
it has been a plain silence.
everytime i step into my room,
i dont see two girls sleeping soundly.
its only hard ground i see.
everytime i step into the kitchen.
i dont see anyone.
sitting on the chairs, drinking, chatting.
its just nothing.
and in the living room,
i see no one wathing tv,
no one talking to each other.
lyk we did, fellowshipping with each other.
its only dust that is left behind.
the snake that they use to play dong dong chiang,
its left there to hang.
the bed we jump and play catch on,
the air has deflated.
i turn emo, i start to cry.
i cannot take it anymore, jesus!
i miss them alot! :'(
get rid of the silence
control my tears.
make june 2007 come quick! :'(

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