
& the love seemed to fade away already

hello world!
wenhui went to the zoooooooo today! :D
the amount of fun i had, it cannot be described.
if was tiring but i had super alot of fun
& i saw lyk 2 freaking hot guys at the zoooooo!
the first one was the best.
it brought my mind off everything.
as in, it brought my mind off _______
yes! and the next one was hot too.
but not as hot as the first one.
oh man! i tell you
i keep on meeting the first guy in the zoo.
& i tell you, i really fell hard for him.
as in, love at first sight.
okay. so now, NO MORE _______ already! :D:D:D:D
hahah! then i fed the elephants for the first time in my life!
ahaha! i am so proud of myself.
i was actually really scared but i plcuk my courage and off i went!
haha! i tell you a secret!
i fell for the elephants too!
they are super cute.
hahahahaha! i spoke to the camels too.
and i realise, yi ving and my cousin can communicate with the lions.
the roar and the lion roar back.
when they stop, the lion stopped too!
cool right?! :D
hahahahhaahah! i really just had alot of fun today
so thank you jesus for everything.
thank you jesus for the wonderful weather.
i dont care about the rain man
thank you for the protection.
thank you for the fun!
thank you jesus! :D:D:D

& that's how my day ended at the zoo
and help me forget about the guy!
the super hot model one! >.<

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