
Cause it's a thriller

Coby boy's haircut today. & He looks really cute now, with a puppy face! :)

So, in the early bird's morning, crawled out of bed to meet the man to bring coby for his haircut. We waited for half an hour to get a stupid cab and 3 cabs pass us by because they say coby. sad case. That's why i told coby not to play with ah N. They are bad/noisy people.
But whatever it is, cabs are super hard to get now and its freaky expensive.
Took a long trip there to his groomer and went off for prawn mee. Leong bought the jumbo prawn mee for me which cost a bomb of $10.80 and I am not kidding you. Told leong to just get the simple $4.50 one but he went crazy somehow. Haha! But, BUT! the soup and the prawns were fantastic! Slurp the whole bowl up. (Thank you Mr for bringing me to wonderful place and paying for them. Luv you!)
Alright, then took a trip around the private estates and went car-watching. Cooper ftw. Always.
Then after a round, we walked to this dessert stall and had cold mango sago. It was alright :) After sago, bused back to have ice-cream @ the Ice cream chefs. It was nothing like cold rock please! I was thinking about cold rock all the time while eating ICC! Another sad case!
OOO, and soon! I'm gonna bring leong for cold rock! :D He will love it manz!

So after ice-cream, picked coby up and headed to leong's to chill. Watching this ghost show with him and his bro. Hilarious stupid butt! Haha. Gay.

Went home to chill again and to the airport to nerd with janelle.

& so now, waiting for the man to finish his steamboat and waiting for him to msg me! I'm freezing cold here even with like 3 layers of shirt and no fan no aircon k! Steamboats are the best remedies for cold winterland but I'm not enjoying anything! Argh, you'll turn into meatpie tmr Mr leong! hahaha!

Love you!

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