
back to quizes again :D

1. apple/banana/orange?* apple
2. choc/strawberry/vanilla ice cream?* strawberry
3. chatting/telp/sms?* chatting.
4. color?* white
5. mexican/italian/chinese/american?* american.
6. drinks: soda/tea/coffee?* soda
7. pets: dog/cat/fish/reptiles?* dog.
8. buy a house or travel around the world?* travel around the world
9. handkerchief/tissue?* tissue.
10. scents: floral/fruity/fancy?* fruity
11. hair color: burgundy, brunette, blonde,black?* brunette . haha.
12. desk job/field job?* neither
13. lounge/beach/park/club?* beach
14. economics/mathemathics/science?* science.
15. believe that alien (UFO) do exist: YES/NO?* naaaaaah (:
16. investing in bank/properties?* both.
17. swimming/tennis/jogging/soccer?* soccer!
18. success: in your career/love life?* both.
19. casual/punkie/fancy dress?* casual.

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