
ripley's believe it or not

this is amazing!
my sister borrowed this book called ripley's believe it or not.
its freaking cool!
i got to know some really cool things!
here's one woman that can really give birth! :D

madame de maldmeure gave birth to one
child the first year, twins the second year,
triplets the third year, quadruplets the forth year,
quintuplets the fifth year and sextuplets
in the sixth year : a total of 21 children in six years.
she died as a result of her last confinement.
dont you think she can really give birth?! :D hahaha!
there is still somemore!
these teeth knew neither brush no tooth-
paste for twenty years,
yet john M. Hernic of
new york could lift a 180 lb. man with them!
isnt he cool! though i dont know what 180 lb is,
but from the picture, the guy looks kinda really heavy.
so yeah (:
and there is this picture in the book of this guy who can turn 180 degrees!
Martin Joe Laurello
"the human owl". his amazing 180 degrees head-
twisting contortion turned heads in ripley's odditoriums
throughtout the 1930s.
hahaha. i wish i could turn my head 180 degrees :D
yeah. now its replies to tags! :D
lilian : hahaha good! :D we set one date and lets date all the 2/8 buddies! woooooooooo!
zenda! : hellooooooo! okay! omg! i get really sleepy during POA! and they said that it was fun. haiyoh!!!!! thanks for wanting to help me too! i will get as much help from you. and we now all can study together, me, you, sheryl! cause we are all taking POA! :D yayayayayayay! :D i love you~!

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