
& you do the hokey pokey

omg! you know i was robbed almost robbed just now?
okay. here's how the story went.
i was walking homw from school today.
then i saw this guy from afar staring at me. stare very very long somemore.
then i heard him lyk point and said to his "partner" something.
so i was lyk oh shit?!
yah. then the "partner" stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
then i just pretend that nothing is going to happen and just walk past real quick.
omg! then the guy stood super near me at my side.
i was lyk why the hell are you standing so close to me?!?!?!?!
then i was faster and faster.
i was holding my pencil box on my left hand, and that was where the guy was standing.
then i held onto my phone and was msging darren.
then i walk and walk.
then i put my phone back into my pocket at my right.
then the guy stopped.
i was freaking scared. then i just started praying and praying.
saying that nothing will happen to me. daddy will send angels to protect me.
cause i was freaking scared that the boys will follow me all the way home.
so i prayed and prayed.
and thank you jesus, they nvr follow.
or else i tell you i would scream and just run lyk i have nvr tried running before.
then i was thinking if they could have wanted to put something in my pocket. lyk drugs.
then phew. i had no pocket on my left side. praise god. haha!
then after that i thought to myself.
maybe they wanted to steal my phone.
cause after i put my phone into my pocket, they stopped.
yeah. it was really all thanks to daddy's protection.
or not i think my phone would now be off gone and it would be my first time getting rob.
yeah! so all the praise goes out to jesus :D
thank you jesus! :D

yeah. evverything was just normal today.
went back to school and do the maths and science test.
the maths was super easy and the science, i just wrote crap lah1
could not care so much already.
it was jsut tooo freaking hard.
i mean, they ask you what is soil made of.
& guess what was my ans?
soil is made of wet sand :)
ahahahaha! crap right? yah!
hahahahahhaahha damn funny lah! and lots of shit ans lah/
yeah. i want to go play game. so tata.

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