
Keep breathing

I'm always turning to look back @ the path I've just journeyed on. 
& I'd either smile or laugh or maybe tear a little and just thank God for the extra miles that He has taken with me :) 
It was only recently that I realised how fragile one's life could be and how precious it could just be to someone else. Hearing stories of people dying, either in accidents or others, gives me the creeps. It kept me thinking of what or how my tomorrow would be. I've even thought about the fact that my life could just end the next day. How weird it came to me that i'll actually have a thought like that. Haha.

This one sentence which I caught in a movie held me back "Giving up all my happy memories just for this one little sad one, wouldn't be worth it at all." I'm rather left speechless,  even now as I think and type. 

Maybe going through everything now would be something that would benefit me for the next years of my life, maybe it'd be an obstacle that will get me stronger, bringing me to a higher level. Maybe it'd be something that is preparing me for another obstacle. I don't know what my life would be, but i'll be praying for the best of it. 

I'm tired, I would love to give up and quit but I want to make the best out of anything that comes my way. I'll be really glad if someone could just place candles for the whole stretch of my path now, give me some light and tell me that I still have this hand to hold on throughout. It'd also be great if someone could just interpret my thoughts for me. 
I want a rainbow, I don't want those raindrops running down my face.

Daddy God, let's go through this together. I want you to be my candles.

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